Happy B-day WWW

So, it seems that we have a really BIG birthday to celebrate here, and it’s one that blows my mind. Yep, the WWW is 20 year old today and CERN wanted to celebrate it by revisiting the site that started it all (well, a 1992 copy of it). Their gift to the world that became the ungainly but much loved child (well, adolescent now) that we all go to on a daily (or a whole lot more) basis:









Hyperlinks allowed us to connect the many disparate pages that already existed, but could not be easily connected to unless you knew the direct address. And Tim Berners-Lee gave us this gift which then CERN gifted to us all when they turned the whole project over to the public domain. The whole story is much more in-depth and exciting  than I could describe, so go check out a much better story told on ExtremeTech as well as the whole story as told by CERN itself. I really need to read more about its history as the Web really is a home for so many of us, and one that we cherish with all of our hearts and minds!

If you want to check it out, then click on this link to stroll down a little path in history that opened up the whole wide world to us all – or the ones who connected to it anyways.


HAPPY B-day WWW! 20 years and still going strong. May you always continue to grow, share, and inspire without the barriers that so many are trying to put into place.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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