Metropolis Remix

If you’re a fan of science fiction then you probably know the story of Metropolis well. I’ve been a die-hard fan of this silent movie since I first saw it as a teenager. It’s rare when you can find a movie that can take the intricate web of society and masterfully tell its story in silence, and that is what Metropolis did back in 1926. When it came out that they were remastering and adding lost footage to this powerful classic, people everywhere took note as it was clearly a movie that spoke to the masses. No matter how many times you see it, the message of life still tolls as clearly as it did the first time that you watched in wonder as the real world unfolded in all of its hideous glory. Only then did you realize that the world that we made and accepted was truly built upon little but movie magic so that we would accept the illusions of civility.

Well, Reddit just got a share of a new version made by a fan who must have spent a massive amount of effort in recreating the classic into a version with sound. John Fredersen made this emotional piece using the remastered version, the audiobook, submissions from many other YouTubers, and a beautifully chosen score that blends into a version that should build upon the legacy that was the original Metropolis.

I’m planning on settling down to enjoy this version when I get my focus back. Because nothing less than 1000% should be given to a work of love like this one! Whether you like originals to stay intact or support creating alternates that take flight from a work of art, give it a chance. The world is large enough for serious interpretations that seek to keep creation flowing respectfully. Seriously, THANK YOU, John Fredersen (MetropolisRemix). I hope that you get the acknowledgement that you deserve for all of your dedication, time, and love for a movie that speaks to so many of us out there.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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