Trying Again…

First of all, if anyone is paying attention, sorry for the lack of posts. This is supposed to be a blog of love for me. Lately, I’ve been lost in the noise, so I decided that I need to regroup as much as the world does. I’m now looking to create a new world that is in my imagination and dreams . And that isn’t going to happen overnight or by myself. And it might have a different take than before, though it will still be about what inspiration and creativity can bring to life.

Like most writers, I love to hear from people. But lately, it’s mostly been drive-by advertising which has been too depressing to view. So from this point on, I’ll allow comments for a few weeks before they go off on new posts. I had originally thought that I could have conversations with those who found me later, so I kept comments open with no end date. That turned out to be naive on my part as creativity is being beaten over the head by numbers and charts (and showing up verbatim everywhere).

I’m hoping, as I have always hoped, that there are those of you who want to exchange inspirations that will build new things that don’t focus on numbers only. There’s a big beautiful world out there that is just waiting to be shared. I hope that you want to go along for the journey, or even point to some amazing views that I missed.

Like you, I’m a little tired of being like this:

Do I look angry? (I love this image by 1voice1life from Reddit)












…and thanks to those of you who are perplexed as to why I’m not monetizing this site. Yeah, even my family doesn’t get it. But this is personal for me as I’m finally flexing my own wings. I don’t want to mix up intentions, because this is about more than survival for me. It’s about what I can bring into reality.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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