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Our censorship fight with the US Congress is far from over, as they continue to attempt to break the Internet with legislations driven by crony capitalism in the US and abroad. Though SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) have been pulled back for now, more continue to follow them. Now, we have to contend with ACTA (more) and TPP (2), which are international attempts to censor and control the Internet for the sake of commerce. And if that's not enough, now there's CISPA (more).
Go to to keep up with the legal news that impacts our world and its technology. The greed won't stop, so we have to stay vigilant as well. Especially now that lobbyists are admitting out loud that they expect to be rewarded for their "contributions": Read it on TorrentFreakThanks for visiting!
I want to thank all of my visitors who are taking the time to leave such inspiring and thoughtful comments. I'm glad that I'm able to connect with so many of you through my writing. This blog is all about things that drive my creative inspirations, and all of you are part of that inspiration. So, thanks for your support. I look forward to getting to know you better throughout this creative journey.
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Except where clearly noted, all CBrajkovich Ramblings content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Please contact me if you want to use my writing, and be sure to attribute the original to Carolyn Brajkovich, as indicated in the license.I support EFF’s work!
Protect the Internet
Category Archives: General Ramblings
Difficulty Pushes
Today seems to be a good day to hear from one of my heroes, Albert Einstein: Will opportunity’s light outshine that of the unknown darkness? When it threatens to derail your enthusiasm for new possibilities, then you … Continue reading
Through Their Eyes
What differences do they see? What similarities? Have you ever looked at the people around you and wondered what the world looked like through their eyes? Just how different is the … Continue reading
Emotional Wonders
So, I was going through my daily Reddit when I found out that Allie from Hyperbole and a Half posted…finally. After the news about her book, I’ve been wondering how she’s doing and it looks like we’ve found out: … Continue reading
Cameras Also Capture Good…And It’s Happens Everywhere Cruising through Reddit once again, I found a really great video from Russia that has a beautifully awesome and truthful sentiment: “Any act is capable of becoming the best, if there is no self-interest in it. Accomplish good deeds!” … Continue reading
Being A Nerd Rocks
So, a mom wanted someone to explain to her newly arrived daughter what it means to be a Nerd. Now, anyone who loves that list of things that most people find geeky (sorry, meant nerdy – it confuses me too) … Continue reading
Thought For The Day: Persevere
Life throws changes at you at a rapid pace. Some days it feels like the tasks are just too big to handle. So what do you do? How do you get yourself through the never-ending changes? In a nutshell: Whatever … Continue reading
Things Will Get Brighter I was watching Defiance on SyFy when I heard a song that really sums it all up. Wow, it’s been a long time since I heard it. This gorgeous rendition is by the amazing Beth Orton. Sotero Trinidad did … Continue reading
Happy B-day WWW
So, it seems that we have a really BIG birthday to celebrate here, and it’s one that blows my mind. Yep, the WWW is 20 year old today and CERN wanted to celebrate it by revisiting the site that started … Continue reading
Allie’s Back!!!
There are some things in this world that take precedence in the announcements department. Here’s one: ALLIE’S BACK!!!! If you’ve visited the site Hyperbole and a Half then you … Continue reading
SpaceX Has A Grasshopper
We are so used to rocket launches that we rarely comment on them, but this launch of SpaceX’s Grasshopper is unlike any I’ve ever seen because it’s intentional. Seriously, this feat of control of a rocket is mind-boggling to witness. … Continue reading