Purpose Of Life


We all look around us everyday and wonder what our purpose of life is. We clock in to our jobs, log on, and click away like busy beavers building a dam. And sometimes we miss that the water level behind that structure we’re so focused on is affecting the surroundings in a really bad way. But when we open our eyes to the details around us, we notice that there are signs all around that might help trigger an internal answer to that all important question: What am I meant to do?

This man decided that doing his job that he was hired to do was not good enough, or sufficient in answering the suffering all around him. So he changed his life calling to helping those in need on a daily basis. It takes a special kind of courage to leave behind comfort in order to deal with hardships, but it’s clear that those who do find a new kind of happiness that keeps growing because its fed by that all important ingredient: LOVE.

Not all of us will ever have this kind of courage to upend our lives. But, sometimes, kindness starts with a single small step that leads to bigger examples of selflessness. Here we have just such an example to follow. What a beautiful soul he has!

– thanks to CNN and Reddit for this wonderful person to follow

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This Is What Originality Brings

When a remake is done with as much originality as Walk Off The Earth brings, then you know that your ears are in for a treat. Needless to say, their version of I Knew You Were Trouble is a thing of wonder (but then, everything they’ve touched has been as brilliant as diamonds)! And I just found out that their debut CD is out – I AM SO THERE!

This really is what originality brings. When you can grab hold of a concept and make it yours, then the magic is endless.


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Coup De Filet – Think For Yourself

Strolling through Reddit-land as I’m wont to do, I came across a very powerful short, Ce Que Les Muslamans Vous Cachent,  done by Détournage. With all of the limited and tunnel-visioned information we receive by not researching more than a few venues for news, it’s no wonder that most people have such skewed ideas about groups like Muslims. This short turns those thoughts on its heads by forcing us to confront old tired stereotypes that rarely fit any large percentage of a group. Even the bad ones’ histories started for  a personal reason and created a personality type that we obsess over with single labels that could never encompass their totality.

And how could it when we are all individuals who shape our experiences and backgrounds in personal ways that don’t duplicate en large? Following one-dimensional ideology without understanding the depths of individuality is like assuming that all fish in the ocean are sharks (answer: they’re not).

Follow the advice given by Coup De Filet – Think for Yourself! A large part of the world clearly needs to remember the age of enlightenment.

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Thought For The Day: Persist

A much-needed thought for the day (at least for me): Persist





If you’re having a tough time at the moment, just remember the quote above. Every time you make it past a tough day, you should realize that you successfully passed the rough times that life threw at you. Every step forward is another step towards your future. And you’re the one making it happen.

– and check out more quotes at Great Minds Quotes for a word of encouragement

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When The Big Pictures Helps

So, the global repercussions of the Snowden’s revelations on NSA actions on the world are finally starting up the type of conversation that we should have been having decades ago. We are finding out that there are few people left to trust at the upper echelons of society, and it is frightening. But what is worse is the words and actions that are coming out from the individual countries regarding civil rights, morality, and responsibility in a global society. Take two petitions requesting support for Edward Snowden (one from the US and one a global petition). Notice anything?























The petition numbers were taken on Wednesday, but they show a clear image of the apathy that exists within the country versus the outcry that is being heard around the world. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the Internet and the global voice that is sounding from it, most of us who fervently want change would still be losing our minds at the ever-increasing apathy. Day after day, our institutions show that they are not even remotely capable of running society. When you compare them to social media’s voice, it’s easy to see the divergence of progress between status quo and the outliers.

Are you sick of this comment: Why bother? Nothing will change.

And worst of all is the continued insistence that we need to trust our democracies and cast a vote to make change happen. Change will only happen when our foundations progress into the 21st century, and we quit blindly trusting a justice that has gone down a dark and selfish path. Fortunately, the voices of the outliers are strong and becoming bigger. Trust is earned, and the status quo has a long way to go to gain the trust that it always assumed it deserved. We are no longer nations co-existing in a single world. We are finally a single world that is blending at the deepest levels of society, wanting to be seen as one: humanity. We need to kick apathy aside in our countries and CARE about the world we’re creating. Because some major ideals we used to have are now being shaken to their very core. Do YOU care?

just saying…

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Metropolis Remix


If you’re a fan of science fiction then you probably know the story of Metropolis well. I’ve been a die-hard fan of this silent movie since I first saw it as a teenager. It’s rare when you can find a movie that can take the intricate web of society and masterfully tell its story in silence, and that is what Metropolis did back in 1926. When it came out that they were remastering and adding lost footage to this powerful classic, people everywhere took note as it was clearly a movie that spoke to the masses. No matter how many times you see it, the message of life still tolls as clearly as it did the first time that you watched in wonder as the real world unfolded in all of its hideous glory. Only then did you realize that the world that we made and accepted was truly built upon little but movie magic so that we would accept the illusions of civility.

Well, Reddit just got a share of a new version made by a fan who must have spent a massive amount of effort in recreating the classic into a version with sound. John Fredersen made this emotional piece using the remastered version, the audiobook, submissions from many other YouTubers, and a beautifully chosen score that blends into a version that should build upon the legacy that was the original Metropolis.

I’m planning on settling down to enjoy this version when I get my focus back. Because nothing less than 1000% should be given to a work of love like this one! Whether you like originals to stay intact or support creating alternates that take flight from a work of art, give it a chance. The world is large enough for serious interpretations that seek to keep creation flowing respectfully. Seriously, THANK YOU, John Fredersen (MetropolisRemix). I hope that you get the acknowledgement that you deserve for all of your dedication, time, and love for a movie that speaks to so many of us out there.

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Sometimes You’ll Do Anything For A Cuddle

Yes, sometimes you really will do anything for a cuddle (I think we need some lightheartedness):














We all love a good cuddle, and probably have a teddy bear or dozen to make us feel better. The one thing that we will carry into adulthood, because he (or she) means LOVE! So, here’s a virtual hug for anyone who needs one. Granted, you’ll have to fit him through the front door, but I’m sure that we’d figure out a way to do it. 😉

Am I the only one who wants one???

– ha ha, from Jokeroo

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A Bluesy Monday

Sometimes you just need a day off from reality. A search on Reddit led me down the Bluesy rabbit hole and seems like a perfect start to a Monday. Enjoy LIL’ Ed and The Blues Imperials playing a gorgeous song, Black Night:


Now this is some soul piercing BLUES!!! I hope that this masterpiece will start off your week on the right note. I’ve got a huge smile on my face!

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Do you wonder why you are attracted to specific quotes? Just maybe…because of…THIS:











– thanks Piccsy for this awesome quote

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Your Signature




We are in the midst of some major moral dilemmas. With an increasing frequency of dramatic actions by individuals standing up to heinous misconduct from our leadership, we are being forced to decide on what is most important to us. Some of the balancing that we are being forced to confront hits straight to our heart. Who is more important: our immediate loved ones or everyone in the world? How does someone answer such a question when it would depend on the circumstances. If the lives of a majority are in peril, and could potentially impact your own loved ones, wouldn’t you want to think that you’ll act for the good of everyone and not just our loved ones?

This quote by Thich Nhat Hanh answers my feelings exactly on how I choose to live my life. It’s not an easy way to live because it requires a very high degree of understanding who you want to be. That takes time and dedication. Especially if you are looking to live a “moral” life. Not by words we read from a book, but by the very actions that show others our own measurement of morality. By the idea that we should “do unto others as we would have done to us”. You know, the Golden Rule. And it’s even more difficult if you still consider yourself to be a work in progress. But if you care, you keep trying.

When we are forced to make the ultimate choice of our country over everyone, then we are being put into an unfair position. This specific choice has been the foundation of all of the wrongdoing that we’ve done through our history. Life is much more than he who has the most wins. It’s definitely more important than which country is the best. If more people are losing to protect the few, then all of the words in the world won’t exonerate us from our one-dimensional obsessions.

It’s these stark choices that we’re being confronted with that is causing people to become much more vocal. We’re being forced to confront who we choose to be. We’re being asked what is most important to us. Increasingly, more people find the world to be more important than any one country. That’s just giving respect to humanity over nationality. Do you feel that your life so far is an accurate signature that you want to portray? Are you proud of your actions, or do you need to change to fit the signature that you want? I’m still working on bettering my words and actions so that I can worthy of the signature that is my goal. It’s not easy, but then nothing worthwhile ever is.

just saying…

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