Stand Out

Well, we’re all getting ready to go back to the daily grind after a holiday season that hopefully opened your eyes to what’s important. And what better way to get moving then an inspiring quote (reminder, really) from a great mind.





Whether you’re still moving through your uncertain youth or finally ready to embrace the real you after so many years of trying to fit in, this reminder from Ian Wallace is something that should reside with your deepest truths. We should make ourselves into what our mind’s eye wants to see, not what others want you to fit into. Your mold is distinctly different because you’re distinctly different, so why not pursue the truth that you want to live with?

After all, we all have the opportunity to stand out…it’s all up to whether we choose to grab it with both hands to open up all of the possibilities that we’re all born with. It’s not up to anyone but ourselves. 2013 seems like a good year to embrace the potential, don’t you think? After all, we are in the age of renewal according to many ancient societies, and we’ve seen first hand what happens when we stop dreaming.

Just saying…

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2013…No More (fill in the blank)

It’s 2013! Happy New Year everyone!!!! 😀

Artist Michael Leunig has the right idea about continuing as usual. What do you think? I know that this is the path I’m taking this year. Actually new paths period as I finally start to walk the road that I’ve been wanting to. Sure, there will still be tasks that need to be accomplished to live, but the reasoning will be completely different as I’m determined to start affecting change in my life that I can push out into the world. This is the year of renewal, a year that follows a whole lot of endings that are begging for new beginnings.











So, no, no more resolutions. I’m going to be like the last guy in Michael’s examples who’s had enough and just wants to create. So 2013 will be a year where I keep connecting as I did in 2012 with people who are also searching for change. And to those who I already know, I’m looking forward to a year full of brand new possibilities and inspirations. Let’s all make it a memorable one, because we’ve finally got the chance!

Boy, am I looking forward to getting back to my writing again! Look forward to some new stuff from me as my brain frees itself from its all that keeps it busy. And no more of stuff that’s holding back all the positivity that I’m going to grab with both hands.

– thanks to this isn’t happiness for a great start to 2013

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2012 was a year of fractures. It was a collection of days that tested our faith in walking in our own footsteps. Much like this beautiful image called Ice Rider, taken by National Geographic photographer Matthieu Paley, we have to trust that there is strength to hold us safely as we traverse the many cracks that test who we are during these trials.












We have no idea what 2013 will hold, except that it will be another year that will test our inner strength.

  • Will we start to build our dreams?
  • Will we be brave enough to show our true selves to the world?
  • Will we walk across the cracks to get to our ultimate destination?

These are just a few of the momentous questions that we might encounter when we traverse into a year that seems to indicate rebirth in the truest sense of the word. After all, we met one another on the other side of an ancient myth of finality as though we were given permission to embrace a new beginning. We didn’t go through the painful months of 2012 without realizing that we are indeed capable of being architects of our own destiny (if we so choose). Our world is begging for renewal, and people everywhere are starting to hear its pleas. 2013 can be a year of strength if we abide by the requirements of this rebirth. It’s up to us to share our inner strengths with others to build a foundation that will hold up everything required for a potentially new way of life. Hopefully, we’re all not only up to the task, but willing to participate in this joint period of renewal. Here’s to making it through 2012 and building a brighter 2013.

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Friends come from near and far, and walk with you in either the short term or the long term. Mother Teresa knows the simplest way to find a friend, though the smile doesn’t always have to be a physical thing. In this day of digital connections, smiles sometimes take the shape of words or icons. But the intent is always the same…connecting through a feeling which is the ultimate gift we can give one another. I’ve walked through 2012 and made many friends in both the “real” world and the digital world. Even if I don’t connect with them on a daily basis, they are always inside me, keeping me warm and just a little more sane. Let’s take today to thank all of those people who have helped us to grow into who we are today. We couldn’t have done it without them, and that’s the gift we receive.

To all of you who have made an impact, you are appreciated. I hope that we continue to walk down the path of life together. Friends…what a beautiful gift they are. 😀

– and thanks to Piccsy for the continued inspiration

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A Truth











Piccsy gives us another powerful reminder going into 2013 that should stick with each and every one of us every day of our lives. Life is incredibly tough at times, and sometimes we all feel as though the grit has rubbed off on our outlook. Letting go of the harshness can be a tall order, and yet it’s necessary if you want to find happiness walking next to you as you go through life. Take heed of these important words as you start into a brand new year, perhaps on a brand new path. Believe that beauty is all around you, and you will find it. Let it fill your soul so that you can return some beauty back for others to find. Life is interactive, so why not interact on the sweetness and not the bitterness? Inspiration comes from such fertile grounds.

Just saying…

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Message With Heart

His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, is known for having a big heart, and this message from the Dalai Lama Centre provides a timely message on how we should be preparing the future generations to live their lives. The message about educating the heart is something that stands for students at any age, as it is something that this world is in shortage of. Sympathy, compassion, love, understanding…all of these traits are thought of as a weakness by a large segment of our human society, and yet it is these traits that place humans apart from so many others. Take this message with heart to the heart, and live its principles going into 2013, and see if it doesn’t help make this world just a little easier to live in. The planet and its living inhabitants are counting on this kind of change to usher in a new age that we’ve been speaking about.

– thanks to Vimeo for the pick and pointer

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Yes, it sometimes takes not doing what you love as much as you want to realize just how precious what you want to do is. And it sometimes takes talking to another person who hasn’t yet found their love to realize that you are lucky enough to understand the importance of what you love. When what you love coincides with what you do, then you are indeed lucky.

While I still write words, I do not always write them from the center of my soul. I leave those words to when I am actively pursuing a love, because they are the hardest to reach. And these words really are as precious as a gemstone that is waiting for me to hone it into the brightest of shines.

I only hope that all of you have found and are pursuing your one true passion, if not your one true love. Hopefully, you have many loves that all interconnect into a brilliant tapestry that you will continue to weave throughout your life. And at the end of your time, your tapestry is a unique testament to your personal life experiences that has created a piece of art unlike any seen beforehand.  Make your tapestry one that you’ll be proud of.

– thanks for a beautiful sentiment, Great Minds Quotes

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Keep Breathing


It’s simple…The Trick Is To Keep Breathing. As only Garbage can. Amazing live of this song done in 2008 as shared by Reddit. I never get tired of listening to Garbage, because they are in a league all their own. Enjoy this relaxing moment listening to Shirley’s sultry tone after a hectic holiday ramp-up. 😀

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Merry Xmas…Happy Holidays

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful holiday season!

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Christmas Eve – No One Would Be Alone

I stumbled onto this sweet little song when I was looking for some memorable Christmas Eve moments. Well, it looks like I found one in the form of a sweet song by Justine Dorsey. What power from someone who is just starting to walk out into this great big world of ours. But even in this big world, she doesn’t want any of us to be alone. And so she wrote this song, which is like a string that brings each listener closer as they fall into the magic of this song. No One Would Be Alone On Christmas Eve, a Christmas present from Justine to the world. It’ll bring you to tears.

– thanks to YouTube for such a beautiful gift

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