Sleepy Man: Not Yet Men and Definitely Not Sleepy

Bluegrass is amazingly passionate and fast. Every player I’ve seen, whether they play the banjo, fiddle, or guitar have fingers that literally fly over the instruments. So when you see a family of boys playing bluegrass music on Ted, then you know that something special is going to happen. And after seeing the 5 minutes of play, you’re jaw hits the floor because they are so young (10, 14, and 15) and so incredibly talented to be able to play like this when they have yet to go out and experience life deep enough to play with such emotion. But when you happen to love what you do, the passion turns into talent simply because you’ve immersed yourself completely in the creative moments.

Sleepy Man Banjo Boys is the name of this talented trio who also happen to be brothers. All I can say is that I was never this talented at their age. Incredible Ted performance!

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Thought for the day: What is Worth worth? (thanks to Piccsy for this springboard to today’s thought)











The idea of someone’s or something’s worth is a complicated and often frustrating endeavor. With the world economy now showing the true picture of worth…where the worthless is being cherished while the worthy is resoundingly dismissed…life is being turned on its head. I’ve had a lot of time to think about this lately simply because of a few incidents which are impacting my own personal sphere, one positive and the other not so much. Continue reading

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What do you do when you’re stuck? Like physically stuck in a tough spot? Well, if you’re on a rollercoaster with a group of friendly riders, then you’ll probably do this:

Yes, we ALL know what happens when “What Is Love” plays. If you don’t, then you need to watch A Night At The Roxbury. I won’t say more because I really don’t want to talk about or watch this movie again. Yes, this is one of my hubby’s favorite movies. Please don’t ask how many times I’ve watched it… @_@ – though I still chuckle at the bar scene with the girl getting ping ponged.

– thanks to spacymushroom for the laugh!

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Joy of Laughter – The GEICO Way

Sometimes you just need to start your week on a lighter note. And GEICO has been providing some sweet clips that just perk you up that little bit that you need. Meet Antelope Night Vision – one of my new all-time favorite advertisements. After a weekend of commercialization that left many frightened or just shaking their heads, it’s good to just experience the joy of laughter without any worries that it’s going to cost you anything. This time, it’s not. Unless you’re counting your laugh lines as a cost of the joy of laughter. I think that most of us would happily pay that cost, huh? At least some companies are capable of laughter…

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Society 6 And Alice









I love browsing through art sites that allow artists to showcase and offer their brilliant creations to others. Society 6 is one such site that I always return to for inspiration as the artists there are of such a high caliber. One artist in particular who always draws my eye is Alice X Zhang, because her style reminds me of those favorite moments when we got to use some colored chalk on a blank blackboard or sidewalk. Though she does things with strokes and colors that I could never touch in a million years.  I wanted to share a new favorite of her called The Lights. It’s got a feel of Harry Potter meets Venice and the magic simply couldn’t be contained. Go check out her offerings on Society 6 and get to know her on her Tumblr site. You’ll be amazed at what she creates.

And here’s one more favorite that she showcased on her site: All of Space and Time which features everyone’s favorite Tardis (see what I mean…magical):


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A Reason For Joy: A New Michael Turner Piece

I was browsing through this month’s Previews when I could only cry out tears of joy:

A new Michael Turner piece.


























It still hard to reconcile that this amazingly talented man is no longer with us. While there are so many talented illustrators out there, Michael Turner was in a league that only a few belong in. Aspen Comics is still plugging away without their venerable leader, and putting out some great work, but I there’s always a reason for joy when you get a seldom-seen illustration by the man himself.

So, enjoy this moment and smile with me! Michael lives on through his art.

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Simple Pleasures

What are some simple pleasures that make your day brighter?












For some reason, I love bells. The really tiny jingle bell type bells. The tinkling sound as I move brings a smile on my face…and makes people look around since bells aren’t normal everyday sounds. But for some reason, the high-pitched warble centers me so that I can easily(?) face what’s coming my way.

Have you tried to find something small and discrete to carry around with you that will put a smile on your face? If not, you really should give it a try. Days can be tough when your schedule takes on the proportions of Goliath and you are definitely feeling like David. But sometimes it only takes a little spot of joy to clear your head so that you can take on any challenge that’s thrown your way.

Find what makes your center jingle with happiness. It’s the simple pleasures that need to be appreciated because they’re the easiest to reach. Go find yours. It just might bring a smile to your face.

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To Be Thankful

Give thanks for what you appreciate: the feel of falling rain against your skin, the riot of colors in nature, the emotions, the connections, the mystery, and the lessons. Everything that you hold dear.













It’s Thanksgiving – a day where we give thanks for all that’s good in life. For some, they’re thankful for the stuff they have. For others, they’re grateful for the ties. Whatever you’re thankful for, make sure that those choices that move you towards something meaningful. Like that carefree joy you feel when you’re completely in the moment and there’s nothing else to feel but the feeling itself.

To be thankful is to appreciate what you’ve got (and it’s way more than just material goods). To be gracious is to give something back so that others can be thankful. It’s the circle of life and we’re all actors in the play. And we’ve all got the ability to give the performance of our lives so that the play is a spectacular one that creates dreams. Look around you – what are some of the things that you want in your dream world? Once you have the answer, then go out and turn it into reality so that others can share in your moment of thankfulness.

May your holiday seasons be full of joy and warmth!

– thanks for the joy of this image by Lukas Kozmus, Piccsy and Colossal

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The Last – A Love Story

Wong Fu Productions asks, “How many have you loved?”And do your loves fall into the categories of who, what, where, when and how? Is your last love the embodiment of all of these questions? Is your last love the compilations of all experiences you’ve ever had, which has made you into the person that you are today: the person who is finally ready to love the last completely?

We all know that love is complex and that it fills all of our senses. But are we really ready to use all of our senses at the right time with that right person – for the rest of time? Because that’s what love is. It’s more than the temporary infatuations of like. It’s much more than the first steps of first love. It’s what comes when you’re ready to put your experiences in play to  be with that partner that you finally choose. We all want love to last forever. But it’s up to all people involved to make that happen. And you really have to want it enough to fight for it. If you’re only in it half-heartedly, then it’s probably not going to be the last. The last is a choice that only you can make, because it will take all of you in order to sustain it.

The Last is is such a beautiful love story that needs to be shared. Just like LOVE…

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And Then There’s GULL

Wow, this is turning into a musical week for me. I’ve found another musician that is wickedly good, and this one is a one man band by the name of GULL (aka Nathaniel Rappole). Who is that masked man, you say? And how an he make such amazing music all by himself?! I found out a little about him from Dangerous Minds site, but all you need to do is hear him play to know that he really is in a class all by himself. This performance in Austin is proof positive that you and I both need to go see him play live. Now, that’s MUSIC!

– what would I do without you, Reddit?!

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