It’s Almost That Time Again

Yup, San Diego Comic Con is around the corner! Tickets sold out really early (like almost after last year’s Con), so you lucky people who are going…have an amazing time for the rest of us! There are always so many insane pieces that come out of SDCC, and this year seems to be no different. Here are some early notices:

Boo Skelve
by Circus Posterus
Purple Skelve
by Circus Posterus
O-No Sashimi Blue
by Andrew Bell
Popbot Book
by IDW














==>   My friend, Pascal Campion, will also be releasing his new book, Little Big Things, in July!   <==

There’s also a ton of new releases happening before SDCC, so check out Vinyl Pulse and Plush and Plastic for more information! Like I said in my previous posting, do what you love and amazing things will happen. Here’s further proof of it!


p.s. I am seriously in love with that Boo Skelve!!! Brandt and Kathie do it again!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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