Tattoos With A Message – Social Tattoo Project

Our world issues seem to get bigger and bigger, and yet the attention that is paid to them is fleeting at best from the mainstream. The ones who care the most, and remember the most frequently, are the ones directly involved in a particular issue.

A new project wants to change all that in a permanent, in-your-face kind of way. The Social Tattoo Project wants to make social empathy permanent. Volunteers are allowing the audience to vote for a world crisis to be turned into a tattoo for a particular volunteer. All they ask is that you choose one issue out of the four and tweet your vote #socialtattoo to their Twitter account, @social_tattoo.

There are already comments showing up about people’s reckless use of body modification. Others think that you should do more by helping the issue directly to ease the burden on the sufferers. There’s a lot of talk about God. Frankly, opinions are made to be shared and not enforced on another person. If you make an opinion that obligates a listener to question his/her action, then I think a little more thought should go into words so that you don’t imprison the listener with your belief system. At least some of the comments were thoughtful, and you’d be surprised where they came from (I wasn’t).

Once your opinion shackles another, then you’ve just started another crisis for the world to fight. As a matter of fact, this is happening more frequently today though it’s not the first time we’ve witnessed its hidden ugliness. We’ve already got too many crises on our hands because people are only thinking about what “I” want. As I keep saying, to each their own, because it isn’t up to us to judge a person’s beliefs or actions. It is up to them to accept the consequences that come from their own beliefs and actions. What is up to us is to support them and offer them council when appropriate. Council is a big difference from opinion.

Personally, I find this project thoughtful, beautiful, and heartfelt. But that’s just my opinion.

– forwarded from PSFK post


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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