Our Future? by PostPanic!

A look into the mind of a creative is not always the most comforting act, though it’s typically rewarding. The one thing that they do accomplish is the act of making us think. Instead of dealing with a present reality, they can reach into the future and put together another reality that takes on a whole new meaning (of terror in this case). Our actions have consequences. Every person contributes to creating a future reality with their individual thoughts and actions, no matter how inconsequential they may seem.

PostPanic! proves it with their OFFF 2011 Titles video, an introduction to this year’s event participants embroiled into a very graphic view of their vision of our future.

Look around us today to see the proof of the reality that our actions create. It’s there in our governments, our economics, our ideologies, and everything else that moves a person to pick a side in a conversation. We’ve been spending a lot of time picking sides that will benefit ourselves the most, which is a normal reaction for any human to have. But at some point, we’re going to have to see bigger than ourselves. And that point in time is finally coming to pass right at this very moment (and this is just a few days in the USA):

You can choose to take the above scenario in one of two ways: 1) Our futures are desolute, or 2) No matter what, we’ll find a way to fight for our survival. Personally, I think that this time is our wake-up call telling us that it’s time to stop the bad before it goes too far.  And we’re seeing it happen all around the world, so it’s actually a moment of hope for many.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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