We Are One Globally










When I started writing today’s first post, I was feeling huge frustration and even anger with our business, politics, and economics. I actually had a technical post ready about the disrespect that economics creates in every section of our lives (especially small and large business practices). But then something changed, and once again I felt positively inspired.

Like me, you’ve probably been tracking SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), the bill that is creating a huge uproar in the tech sector. November 16th was American Censorship Day, a day that protests the unimaginable actions that our government has been taking against protecting a free Net. It’s the one thing that gets me up in arms more than anything (and that says a lot), because I’m one of the Net users who believes in protecting our freedom and connection at any cost. This is one battle that I’ll stand front and center with everyone because I believe that the Net is a key for global prosperity, equality, knowledge, and connection.

What changed for me was the sight of this global campaign, started to join the enormous US outcry from November 16th’s inept and biased Congressional proceedings. It makes it worse when you look at the bill’s supporters and how much they contributed to it speedy passage, more evidence that our Congress is bought. No, it wasn’t just this hopeful campaign but all of the campaigns, calls, emails, posts, and tweets of a global community once again raising its combined voices to be heard against injustice. The anger wasn’t just from regular people, but also human rights groupsVCs,  from the EU (which I was a bit amazed to see considering their usual modus operandi) and from within our own government.

With mankind continuing to stand up for one another at signs of injustice, we have our first opportunity to truly come together to build a much better world. Now we need to turn this into a living reality.


edit regarding the VCs link on a study about Internet regulation changes: I was just recently notified of a name change for Booz & company, who are now known as Strategy&. Check out their site if you want to learn more about them.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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