A Thought About Leadership

So, we’re still talking about leaders as some kind of necessity in life. I’m not so sure anymore. But what I can say about this image of Obama is that it’s showing something we hardly see anymore in any of our leaders. Sure, a lot of us (including me) is disillusioned about Obama’s accomplishments. But we also realize that it’s not his fault alone. All of the leaders had a part in destroying our potential.












Ask yourself how often you will see a leader who is not primped to within an inch of his life for a public appearance? How many leaders will face conditions that are out of their control in order to try to be the voice of wisdom? How many leaders even remember what true wisdom is? We live in a time where there’s a leadership vacuum. While there might be leaders doing important work down in the trenches, there are very few in the visible spectrum (like politics) that know how to do an honest day’s work.

I’m one of those people who believes that good leaders give the spotlight to those who have allowed him (or her) to reach the highest of positions. If you’re worried about your power, your status, your earnings, or anything that is remotely personal, then stop claiming that you’re a good leader. The term good or great is not a grade. It’s selfless activity. It’s doing for a greater good that is larger than yourself.

Find us a leader who will face the tempest while still listening to those around, and then act ethically for the greater good so that they all have a promising future. Only those who fit this description should apply to a position of leadership. Yeah, we have a major shortage of real leaders, don’t we?

This social period is showing us that leaders aren’t always necessary. If we all pitch in, then we’re all part of the leadership paradigm. That’s 21st century leadership.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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