Newsroom’s Most Honest 3 Minutes

So, in this time of elections and national chest beating, we don’t always expect to hear honest answers. Especially when the source is the newsroom. Or in this case, the HBO series called The Newsroom. It’s not often that you’ll hear this type of rhetoric that speaks about our common perception that the US is the greatest country in the world. Lately, we haven’t been doing as great job of proving it as we once did. The levels of disillusionment continue to grow. Our politicians, heck all of our leaders, keep proving that they don’t have the answers that we desperately need.

I don’t have HBO so I haven’t seen this series, except through clips such as this. And frankly I haven’t been too convinced about just how good Hollywood still is. They’ve been showing that they’re only capable of perpetuating the myth of history. At most, our entertainment is usually mediocre, except for brief brilliant creations such as this that don’t come around too often (at least in the mainstream they don’t). Will this one last, or will it fall prey to the political bias that doesn’t want these words to spread? Unfortunately for status quo, these words already are…on mainstreet.

We’re way past worrying about what country is the greatest. How about we start to worry about the fact that we only have one planet on which we all live? There’s no escape when things fall over the cliff. We need to stop thinking wistfully about some barely remembered past and start to embrace our potential future. Are we going to keep beating the “America is great” drum? Or are we going to start changing the beat to “we’re all a necessary part of humanity”? That seems like it will get more traction with the global citizenry. After all, no matter where we live, we all believe in the life that we want to live. And life looks remarkably similar deep down in its bones, even if the surface might be a tad different.

Cherish the actions of good that we all do for one another. That’s what will lead to great dreams that will uplift us all. Not just one country, but the entire world…together.

– thanks again Reddit

p.s. Hollywood – if you really are so necessary, then why is Viacom demanding a BILLION dollars more to watch shows we already pay enough for (since there’s nothing new)? And why are you forcing laws (international and domestic) to be made to protect your industry if you believe in a free market? That’s the kinds of honesty people want to talk about.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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