Going Rogue On The World

So, I got a friendly note from Urban Times regarding a new post. I was curious to see what it would be since it was addressed to a group of writers who are known to be “passionate”. I can only speak for myself when I say that losing it over certain topics because of this passion comes with the territory of being a writer. It’s not the words that we write that we defend (usually verbosely), it’s the idea behind them. Yes, I can be protective of ideas.

So, I turned on the video titled Weathergirl Goes Rogue, and lo and behold I find that I AM NOT ALONE (sniff). Alex must have really been feeling our pain when he posted these awesome videos of Pippa Mackie (here’s more about her on Huff Po). But the icing on this meltdown came in the form of her anchor counterpart who was played by none other than Kai Nagata. Kai has been in the spotlight before with his eloquent post on quitting his job that went viral. Needless to say, this video now means more than I originally thought. Now I have a new hero in a weathergirl who gives us all a reality report with an epic ending. OMG, do I understand how she feels!

I felt guilty for laughing, but the scene is just too familiar. And others who know me have been on the receiving end. Sorry guys. But there’s always love behind my “AAAAUUUGGGHH!!!!”

When the world’s problems keep getting addressed with the same tone as the anchor (or any anchor, politician, leader, etc.), you really just need to figure out how to deal with (stomp on) the stagnancy. Talk about it, write about, come up with some brilliant concept that no one has ever entertained. Or you just get your own segment:

Deep Rogue Ram brought us these videos and it looks like they have a whole lot more to comment on. Go check them out! And as always, go check out the latest on the Urban Times. Thanks again, Alex, for letting me know that I’m not the only one who does this. 😀


…Did you just cut my mike????


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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