And now it’s….CISPA (again)

Update: I know that you’ve seen this already, but I wanted to talk about it in some more detail since our Congress has been out of control with creating legislation that is distinctly tunnel-visioned and dangerous. So here’s the details behind CISPA for your information, as there is still time to contact your Senator with your comments. Thanks.













Honestly, this is getting old. The US Congress has got to be the single biggest threat to the safety and security of the US.

If you disagree with your representative, then it’s up to you to vote them out! How many times have you heard this statement? And how many times have you gone to vote, and well, everything is exactly as it was the very next day, month, and year. Perhaps this should be our ultimate wake up call. Because if you’re like me, well, you’re sick and tired of people telling you that you shouldn’t get your panties in a twist since nothing will ever change. You think? Maybe it’s because we keep doing the same stupid actions waiting for something different to happen.

Which leads us back to this: Again, we have to protest the dangerous and narrow-minded reactions of another Congressman who is determined to get CISPA back through…with no changes from the first time that we protested it. As a matter of fact, all of the good amendments that could have provided protection and privacy for the people were refused during the House Committee session.

People want transparency, but CISPA will do nothing to protect them as it will be busy protecting those organizations that assist in data collection.  Here’s just a few of the gems that the House voted as appropriate:

  • Information gathered can be used for a broad and unclear “cybersecurity purpose”
  • Companies can use countermeasures against perceived security threats (and you think hackers are dangerous?)
  • But companies will be sharing your private information with impunity and little oversight
  • The information collection can be done without a warrant and without you knowing about it

Learn more about the CISPA bill from one of the voices for the Internet that steps into the fray for the People: EFF

Contact your Congress today. The House has already overwhelmingly passed this bill (after a visit from IBM lobbyists), so we need to contact the Senate. They are planning to debate on Thursday (4/26) and vote on Friday. And don’t assume that the White House will veto this bill just because they said so. That track record has not been too stellar. We’ve had too many outrageous legislations chip away at the foundations of our civil liberties.

Here are a few links to use:

And BTW, the opposition isn’t just a bunch of 14 year olds in their parent’s basements!

We need to do more than re-actively protest every time a dangerous piece of legislation passes. Our representatives aren’t listening to us, partly because they have too many people talking at them. It’s time to start being proactive and get involved, not in campaigning (talk about wasted money that could go for better uses), but actual governing. If this country really is By The People, For The People, then we need to take this phrase more seriously.

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Plans Change












Plans change. We’ve all experienced the upheavals with joy and dismay. Change really is the only constant. And we’re all living it on a daily basis. But when that fork in the road does come, how will you react? Will you gaze at it with longing as you continue in the same direction, or will you let go of the known to travel down a path with a few less signs? I’m getting ready to let go of what we’re used to, so that I can finally go after my dreams. There is no guarantee, but then again, that’s never was. All I can do is grab the new experience with both hands and use it to build what’s inside of me. Nothing is really lost, as it’s just shifting to a new place that has yet to lift its veils.

Plans change. We might as well change with them. That way, we can at lease pick the direction we choose to go.

– thanks again Piccsy for opening my fortune cookie a little early

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I found this picture of truth on Piccsy (thanks Kingaszalai) that probably hits pretty close to home for a lot of us. The battle of logic over feeling is one that gets waged on a daily basis. The truth is that both are quite necessary and have their parts to play in life. You can’t have all logic with no feeling – even Spock proved that one. And you can’t simply feel your way to the truth. It takes a little bit of each to ferret out the correct path that you should take. And yet, most of us rarely use both.

Fortunately, we all manage to grow from these experiences so that the brain and the heart are just a little wiser than the day before. Perhaps that what life is trying to teach us about the truth. It’s all about how we react to our perspective using both mind and what matters.

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Toh Kay – Beautiful

Update: Ok, so it’s another takedown…this time from Victory Records. So, no one gets to enjoy what was a beautifully done video for an awesome song. Seriously, this is how your company thanks this band’s supporters???

Scott Benson made an incredible video for Toh Kay‘s With Any Sort of Certainty, and I’ve got to say that it is haunting, thoughtful and absolutely beautiful. Scott has put together a story told through emotions and colors that delve deep into the song to bring out the angst in the story (and life). The disjointedness of the actions greatly resemble the moments in life that don’t turn into a smooth story until they are put into a timeline. Only then do we see our actions for what they become.

“And second guessing the choices that we make.”

What a beautiful and thoughtful video!

– thanks to Vimeo (and Scott and Toh Kay) for sharing that it’s ok not to be ok

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The New Prohibition – Copyright

Andy Baio gives us another perspective on the war in copyright that is literally splitting our world in two. For those creatives who love the system, thinking that it is protecting their personal creations from those ugly pirates, they will see anyone speaking against copyright as thieves and law-breakers. Then you hear from many other people, of whom all are creative (not just those who claim it in their work as though it’s their own personal badge) who just want to share their own creations with others with no intent to break any law.

Perhaps we all need to revisit the law, which continually gets ramped up to “protect” creators with seemingly little thought to protect their actual ability to create. Now, it’s all about what we can make from all those creations…a business model.

It’s my own personal creation, and I deserve to profit from it (forever, if I can). If you’re using it for yourself without asking, then you’re stealing from me!

I don’t know about you, but my muse is screaming inside me right now. Is this really what we now see creativity as – profit centers? That is a really pathetic statement about our world today. But we can only really understand the truth about copyright today when we hear from someone who has been impacted by the industry (because it really is an industry now and not a limited protection as it was originally intended). Like Andy Baio. Take a listen to his story in this video called The New Prohibition to hear just how frightening copyright has become at the hands of institutions which have vested interests in protecting their own kingdoms. This really is an important talk that Andy does beautifully and with heartfelt sincerity.

I also consider myself to be a creative. And take a stance that sharing just continues the path that creativity has always followed. All ideas can trace a path to another idea – but with a personal tweak. That’s what makes it unique, because it’s built off of my own personal growth. And your personal growth. And that guy sitting on the street corner strumming his guitar. And that girl making that pendant. And on and on and on.

Because we all build off of one another. And we need one another to be inspired. And we don’t need institutions putting up nets that stop our sharing movement. Especially since those institutions also acquire their own stable of innovations from predecessors. No one truly owns anything. We all helped build it.

That’s why we need to re-imagine copyright for the 21st century.  Because we’re living in a huge period of inspirational growth that is being developed by each and every one of us. And no one person or place should have the right to claim ownership on anything that we’ve all had a hand in creating.

How many new prohibitions do we have to live through because of misguided laws? Laws can be beneficial if they are really protecting the greater good. When the benefits become more focused for small groups of rewardees, then there’s a problem.

And while we’re thinking about this, perhaps we need to focus more on where the free trade agreements of today are taking us. They’re going to have a huge impact on the creativity of tomorrow. It’s a pretty scary world that comes pretty close to the V of Vendetta and Faranheit 451 worlds. Why are we just quietly letting this happen? We really aren’t in Kansas anymore, Toto.

– thanks to Techdirt for the share and perspective

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JR Sees
















From the series, Wrinkles In the City, by JR, this image can also be a pretty timely statement of where we seem to be headed in today’s world. Though JR meant this to be a statement on what old observers have seen during Berlin’s transformation, it can also be the obsessive ideal that exists in society today. The phrase, “If you see something, say something” is being used in security warnings in the US as we continue our out-of-control war on terror, little realizing that it’s a testament that we are becoming what we fear. And when you look at it from this context, this piece by JR takes on a much more sinister message that is being spread by CCTVs, misguided and dangerous cyber laws like CISPA, and even actions being taken by school administrators which replicate on a smaller level those taken by security organizations across the world as they protect status quo.

We may be living in dangerous times (though they seem little different from those in the past), but perhaps this has much more to do with the actions that we don’t take and the words that we don’t speak. Our institutions (government and others) no longer represent those higher motivations that had given birth to a nation once seen as a guiding light. Now, they are becoming those scenarios that once only existed in the minds of film makers worried about where security could lead us. Perhaps because they understand that actions have a habit of repeating themselves, especially when they’re driven by emotions.

Vigilance is good, but it needs to be balanced with other important emotions (like empathy) as well as balance when under duress.

JR sees more than what he might have intended (or perhaps that’s the lesson he’s offering).

– a perfect pictorial summation of the world today, shared by this isn’t happiness

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First of all, our hearts and thoughts are indeed with Boston in this time of their greatest need.













Why do these things have to happen to innocent bystanders around the world? Because they are happening everywhere, and many times we don’t recognize that the suffering often goes unseen and unheard. Many times, by us all.

Yesterday, we went through another major tragedy – this time in Boston. And these tragedies seem to be coming at a faster, more furious pace. It has to make you wonder, doesn’t it? Is it because we’ve become disconnected at the soul level? That we’ve become desensitized because of what we witness around us, whether it be on TV, in the movies, or anywhere else. Yesterday’s mainstream coverage and commentary showed just how bad it’s become. Societies around the world are all exhibiting signs that we are walking down the path of old Rome, when the gladiator “games” were at their peak and their society was at its depths.

But then, you look outside of the coverage to individuals, and you regain some hope that love is indeed reaching out. We just need a lot more of it. A LOT MORE. We need to stop thinking about our own personal impact, and start to realize the outer impact to those all around us. When we see messages of hate emanating from others, we need to counter them with empathy. We need to regain a firm grip on our humanity so that destruction doesn’t get the upper hand.

Just like The Illuminator and NYC Light Brigade asks, why does it have to take a tragedy for us to come together? I sure would like to know the answer to that question, so that I can get the despair out of my system after watching mainstream reactions. We need to get a grip with how fast we all like to jump to conclusions, before anything concrete is found, to attack anyone who doesn’t fit into our beliefs. That’s just plain wrong. That we learn this behavior from the top down only makes these habits harder to break. And proves that we have much more to fix them we’ll admit.

Help before you censure. Blame doesn’t fix the problem. Only we can, by working together and accepting that we’re different and yet still the same, so that hate doesn’t have rich soil in which to prosper. These actions are heinous. And yet many times, our reactions can be equally damaging when we’re tearing down instead of building up. Those people who helped others in need are the ones we should be following and respecting.

– thanks to Reddit for this important reminder

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Monday’s need a good  tune, and this one…Oshakashaama by Radwimps (Yojiro’s band)…is the perfect one to get a bland and sleepy day going. The playfulness of the band along with the speed of the song makes this an amazingly uplifting song that totally sticks in your head and gets your body moving to the beat…and what a beat it is. I’m going to have to check out more from these guys.

Music makes the soul grow, and the rest of you follows. Have a smile on Radwimps. They make some feel good music, don’t they? And wow, do they have fun doing it.

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BEEHIVE illion

Thought you might like a catchy song by illion, a new solo stage name for Yojiro Noda of Radwimps.  This guy can really create some magic with music and visuals! The song’s BEEHIVE, and it is part of his solo launch in the UK. I’m bummed that I never heard of him or his band, Radwimps before now! This will totally launch a good day for you. Enjoy! I did!

– THANK YOU Reddit for this amazing find

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Sight Over Thoughts

There’s something to be said for road trips. Even if they’re ones that originate for scary reasons. Take care of your body. Enough said.











When you’re feeling trapped, a good road trip really helps the soul take over from the mind. Sight over thoughts kick in. Last week had an incredible day that had everything to do with rain. Luckily it was on a travel day for me. I’m one of those people who loves what rain does to the world around us visually. I probably wouldn’t feel that way if I lived in it 365 days a year, but then I haven’t so I find it soulfully uplifting. And of course, I traveled without a good camera. Yes, I was kicking myself because I would only have memories of some incredible sights.

This moment happened as I was nearing my destination. Rain departing at sunset leads to some pretty incredible light shows. This image doesn’t even begin to do justice to the pockets of liquid gold that were slowing bathing the hillsides that had been keeping me company on my trip. It looked like the sky was pouring buckets of shimmering warmth that awakened a forlorn landscape. As they spread across the undulating slopes, it looked as though golden blankets were being laid right before my delighted eyes.

I wish I could tell you of the many incredible moments of nature I was allowed to experience. There were so many. Young colts lounging in flowing green and yellow rivers of grass and flora. Startling shades of young green dominating over typically old mustard yellow. Everywhere my eyes turned, color unlike anything I’ve seen in a long while was bombarding my tired senses and bringing vitality back to my fatigued body and senses. Spring 2013 seems to be giving us a much needed break from the trials and tribulations of problems that we are experiencing. Thanks goodness Mother Nature KNOWS what we crave. And then proceeds to provide us with a show called life that requires full engagement. Or else you’ll miss the moments that are designed to help fill your well.

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