Lindsey Crystallizes Her Violin

You know that I had to go find this music after hearing it on Dexter’s skydiving video. Wow, Lindsey Stirling creates magic on her violin. I’ve listened to a few more tunes and finally had to go get the CD. But this song, Crystallize, brings tears to your eyes when you listen to it. Dubstep violin…where have I been? And I guess that she was on one of those talent shows that didn’t take her talents seriously. Well, this video shows that she really has a multitude of talents (including dancing), but the violin is clearly her…and our…first love. Gorgeous music! Go support her, if you haven’t already.

This is what loving what you do sounds like!

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Dexter Gives Us A Hand

This image of Dexter Marcelino, an intrepid skydiver, has a photo that stopped me in my tracks:














It’s the perfect image for a sky enthusiast such as myself. I used to think that I was a flying enthusiast (which I am), but I’m beginning to realize that it’s all aspects of the world of air that does it for me. Liquid water, not so much, but cool flowing air is my medium of choice. And this image rocks my world. That Dexter manages to combine my favorite activity, flying, with the human experience is something that I never considered about sky diving. Boy, am I slow on the uptake. @_@

When I was given a chance, way back when, my answer was typical: “Why would I jump from a perfectly good airplane?” Considering that I like jumping from trees and other high places, you think I would have made the connection a long time ago. Especially, when my favorite time to fly was when my instructor cut the engine to test my skills. The sound of air rushing by is something to experience. And don’t get me started on aerobatic flying. 😀

So, to all you air lovers (it’s not just for breathing anymore), grin at this incredible image of Dexter and then go enjoy his tribute to air friends old and new. Man, does this video make me smile! Thanks, Dexter, for sharing your world (and Reddit for finding it for me)!!


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This Is Important – CFAA Goes Too Far

If you’re on the Internet, then you probably know the story of Aaron Swartz. If not, do yourself a favor and go find out about the very important work that he was doing with so many other Internet guardians. Then find out how his very young life was cut too short before he could do more good that this world so desperately needs. You’ll hear both sides of the story, with many calling him a hacker without truly understanding that hacking has many different hats and reasons (some good and some not so much, though all valuable lessons). Many of us believe that hacking is actually something that can work in all aspects of our life when the motivation is about rebuilding for the better, pure and simple. Unfortunately, people in power see hacking as a black and white term denoting illegality without the nuances of understanding that nothing only ever has two sides…even the law… because it has a back story which is where the important information is hidden. Especially when it benefits those who only push for the black and white approach to life.

Make your voice heard in Washington!

All of you (and me) who use the Internet need to be aware at just how far off the path of good legislation for the Internet has gone. This is (and apparently always has been) about control pure and simple. The Internet is another source of power that enables control on a global scale. Our institutions and governments do not see it in this digital domain in the same manner that we do, as a means to protect democracy. People see it as a Land of the Free, and are quite capable of wrangling in the uncontrollable when it harms the greater good. Organizations see it as a means to generate more for themselves, with little thought about common good. Which way you see it is up to you, but how it’s protected is up to us all…together. Because currently, status quo has a negative batting average if you’re following the news.

Read about the latest of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), and then look carefully at the news to see how our leaders treat OUR world. Here’s a sample:

  • US Travel Restrictions to Cuba doesn’t stop a visit by a celebrity couple, and certain politicians don’t like it – from the Guardian UK
  • Greece is once again in the Troika’s target – another from the Guardian UK
  • ICIJ’s coverage of the Global Offshore Money Maze – Secrecy For Sale
  • India’s Red Brigade – from the Guardian UK

Notice a trend in just a few day’s worth of small-scoped news? People are finally stepping up to the plate and questioning this ongoing belief that everything in existence is meant to stay the same perpetually. Nothing is meant to stay the same. NOTHING! Look at our planet and our universe. They are continually evolving, with the old moving out of the way for the new. Not being eliminated but reconstituted into something better because it is learning from its history. That is how all of life exists. And that is what hacking is about, and what Aaron (and many others ) stand up for.

These stories are all related because we all share one life on one tiny planet. And that means that this ME mentality needs to shift now. If our institutions are failing, it’s partially because we are not involved in them as we should be. Removing the bad aspects. Using our knowledge to make our society better for the whole. THAT is what Aaron would have wanted each and every one of us to do. Learn and create. Rebuild so that more people benefit, and not just the few.

There are lots of people grumbling because certain peoples won’t just follow the norm. They are comfortable with their lot. Those who aren’t…well, they’re hacking with the skills that they have:

  • Building communities for business and social – Read more from Yes Magazine and Marjorie Kelly
  • Online Activism can teach so that we can move forward and not backwards – read a brief synopsis of Internet Activism on Wikipedia
  • We can talk to one another in a global online and active conversation that might just inspire the next big seismic quake that will change the world (like Reddit and many online blogs and forums)
  • Even kids around the world are aware of the dangers that we ourselves create and are moving to spread smart change – remember Severn Suzuki from way before we hit 7 billion with so little changing because of status quo

The next few days, you’ll be seeing another digital quake trying to awaken us all as we attempt to put the spotlight on the disaster known as the CFAA. Read more about it on Techdirt, EFF, and CDT to name a few authorities on the subject. Because this won’t stop until we make our voices heard together and offer a viable alternative that has nothing to do with blind profit-mongering. We are no longer able to just stand on the sidelines and lament about how nothing will ever change. It’s up to each and every one of us to show an interest in all aspects of life! This is important: CFAA goes too far, so click on the badge above to take you to Fix The CFAA.


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Jazzy Pure Imagination

The combination of the many vocalists known as Jacob Collier and ever smooth and jazzy Kenneth Benson in this awesome rendition of Pure Imagination is made all the more amazing with how the video was put together. Each element is building off one another with such utter whimsy that it takes the fun to a whole ‘nother level.  To see two obviously talented people combine their skills into a beautiful collaboration like this should be enough to get your weekend off to a great start. I’ve got a smile on my face after this much needed artistic boost!

p.s. Do yourself a favor and see I Saw Three Ships by Jacob and one of Kenneth’s solos!

– thanks to Reddit for this find

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Whimsical ShaggyHandlz

I found  Julien Nema accidently through Piccsy because of my love of stars:

















But I really discovered ShaggyHandlz after pouring over his deviantART portfolio and fell in love with this one simply because of his explanation:



















really wanted to push and see how many colours i could get in a painting, sumthin quick and trippy b4 bed

How can you not love a creative mind who thinks like this?! And to think that this beauty was done before going to bed.

Makes me want to stretch out my mind and reach the same kind of universe with my words. Motivational, Julien is! Check out his site and see what else he’s concocted, because they all have that touch of Dr Seuss meets Van Gogh (while still keeping the ear intact, I hope) that will make your insides smile. Yes, ShaggyHandlz does indeed have a beautifully whimsical mind. Go enjoy for yourself and send him a note!

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Sometimes it’s necessary to take a breather…












Especially when you’re in unfamiliar territory. You feel the urge pushing forward from deep within. You need to release your call to the wild. Breath in…inhale deeply…hold it until you’re ready to let loose. And then, do what you do best when you need a breather. HOWL!!!! You’d be surprised at just how good it feels to let go. It brings you closer to nature, to understanding why every living thing has its own methods of release. Because bottling it up never works. What’s yours?

– thanks to Piccsy for this most appropriate (and adorable) pic

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What Success Really Looks Like

Thought For The Day: Success Is Not Straightforward









Demetri Martin wants us to know that success is not what we think it is: A straight line to infinity. Whether it’s a person or a company, everyone thinks that the meteoric rise of success won’t have a single bump. But seriously, when in your life have you had a day that went that smoothly??? If no one’s had this experience (and I’m pretty sure that few can make this claim), then why would expect a successful plan to take the shape of a straight line rising forever?

Remember this scene from the movie, Armageddon? AJ, Lev, and Bear wanted to take a short cut to get over the field of daggers (OK, so you probably don’t remember the movie being in Slovakian – but it’s the right scene – so, let’s learn a new language! :D)

Notice the meteoric rise was not as they’d planned it. Yup, this is pretty much what success looks and feels like. Or, you can just take a look at the Demetri’s image to see success distilled into a chart. Which success have you experiences? Mine have pretty much fallen on the latter version…

What success really looks like is a really good reminder to keep moving forward, because you’ll eventually get past the tangled part of the plan.

– thanks to this isn’t happiness for the hilarious chart

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Exploring and Experimenting

You can’t mention the name of Neil Degrasse Tyson without getting gasps of awe, admiration, and inspiration. Here’s an awesome few minutes reminding us of the need to keep growing, no matter how old you get. He brings up a important point that we take for granted in childhood, and that is that the world is so new to us that everything needs to be looked at closely. Exploring and experimenting is what we all did as children so that we had a better understanding of this big, bright world that revolved around us.

  • Does the world stop when we close our eyes?
  • Is your life like my life, even though we live miles apart?
  • What can you teach me, because you have a different life from mine?
  • If I talk to animals, will they understand me?
  • Why does the sky look so different from season to season?

Questions. We had millions of them. And we wanted answers to every single one of them. We’d ask whoever was nearby so that we could learn. And then we grew up, and for many, the lessons stopped. We assumed that we knew all that there was to know. Ignoring the fact that we ran into unknowns on a daily basis. Perhaps if we just thought about our time on Earth as compared to the age of the universe, then we would understand that we’re only here for a blink of a star’s eye. That should give us the motivation to go out there and do what we need to to keep growing and learning. I’ll let Neil tell you in a much more powerful way: Don’t ever stop learning. Life is too short and there is too much to try to understand.

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Change Is The Only Constant

Just as the clouds move through the sky

Just as the moon phases past by

We all know that the only constant

is change.


Sometimes it can hurt

and set you aground.

But sometimes it can free

both you and me to be…




Or maybe just full

of dreams, wishes and possibilities.


We both fear and relish

these moments of change,

because we all know that

nothing will ever be the same.


What was once you and

what was once me

was always ever the starting point

that was meant to see us free.


It’s important to remember

that ME is free,

only limited by what we truly see.


So see with all of your might.

Allow your dreams to take flight.

And never, ever, give up the fight.


Change can be liberating if you stand in the light…


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Social Business – A Talk By Dan Pallota

Perspective. Dan has a brilliant understanding of just what ails social business. Because we focus exclusively on money and how it’s used, we continually limit just how much change we’re capable of bringing about. He quoted that charitable giving is stuck at 2% since we first started to measure it in the US. Considering that we’re considered a wealthy country (though we now know this to be unequal), that is a frighteningly small number when compared to the population size – especially the population that understands the importance of non-profit organizations. Listening to Dan lay out his argument of just how skewed our view of charity really is, we need to change our perspective towards a healthier view that allows for proper growth that can help solve the multitude of problems that exist in our world. Because when you look around at our world, it’s evident that change is desperately needed.

What percentage of my donation goes to the cause rather than the overhead?

Dan considers this to be the single most dangerous question that we ask when we give money to charity. We do indeed see overhead as something that should continually decrease so that our share of the pie will increase (or so more money goes to the actual cause, as we all like to exclaim out loud). But if we’re only concerned about our own share, then are we really seeing that there are so many others who also deserve a share of this pie? How fair is it that for-profit organizations can spend money for the glittery PR campaigns that make them look successful, while the same style of campaign in the non-profit world would only bring derision from those who thrive on demolishing any chance of real change?

Today, there are so many people out there who are willing to dream of a change that really solves problems. And many of them are going toward callings that won’t be paid enormous amounts of money. But the sad thing is that there will always be someone out there who questions the sanity of those who don’t pursue the most reward for their efforts. As long as we only concentrate on ME, there’s little chance that WE will all live in equal prosperity.

So how do we get business as usual to change, so that it stops destroying true opportunities that rarely make it past their infancy? Whoever discovers that answer will truly be a hero to the world. Much like Dan Pallota and those like him already are. Thank goodness for such people who inspire. Because this group needs to expand much faster to tackle the innovations that are waiting to be discovered so that change not only takes firm root, but also flourishes. Social business is not like any business, and deserves its own chances of success. Because their profit isn’t linked to stock values, but to the value of life itself.

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