Pressure Cookers or Press F1

Living life in a pressure cooker is not what humans are about. Honestly, we do not come out the other end tastier than when we went in. So, why is life all about PRESSURE?










This topic is becoming close to my heart once again, because of precisely the position I put myself into. It’s the same position that millions of us are placed in because of…you guessed it, the almighty currency. When you’re on the outside looking in, you get the luxury of free commentary when you disagree with someone (yes, I mean the big behemoths claiming to be people). On the inside, not so much. Instead, you get to work in a pressure cooker. Turn on the timer, and make sure that it’s a fast one, because there are expectations of grandeur from all around. Work, work, work, because we need that output. What, we said that last month? Well, it’s a new month with new expectations. The market is an unforgiving mistress, didn’t they tell you? Continue reading

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The Masters At Work

When talent appears, it can blow your mind. But when talent begets more talent, then you have reached nirvana. This video featuring Trent Reznor, Dave Grohl, and Josh Homme shows what happens when one kind of talent inspires another. There is simply no barriers to creativity. That tools change shows that the genius comes from within, and reaches out to use whatever tool can bring a dream to fruition.

It’s not everyday when MASTER like these are at work, collaborating together. But that is what happens with attraction. You are compelled to move towards that inspiration like a magnet attracts. And when such experiences collide, be prepared for unforgettable. That’s what this song represents to their fans. An elegant solution.

GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS SOUNDS!!!! Check out Sound City to hear more.

– thanks to Reddit (once again) for this eargasm.

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Eternal Love

After a tough week, finding something this amazing on Reddit really restored my balance. Honestly, this just proves that there are a lot of amazing people out there, and some of them understands the value of true love. Read this beautiful (but extremely sad story) with lots of tissue…you’ll need it. Enjoy your weekend! Hopefully, you have someone like this in your life…or are that special person. Eternal love is a many splendid thing.

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Have A Brilliant Friday

This video got passed around on Reddit and Liveleak, and it really made up for a tough week. A guitarist by the name of Mauriusz Goli from Poland has fingers that electrify the music coming from his guitar. He makes it sound like a living breathing Flamenco dance that is twirling around the air around your ears. Just take a brief listen – you’ll stay all of the way through (trust me). Have a brilliant Friday by sharing this song by Marisz. It’s gorgeous!

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Great Mushrooming Lamp












Mother Nature is the most prolific creator on our planet, and it looks like she has become the inspiration for another designer who wants to capture some of her whimsy. Great Mushrooming is a Japanese artist who is illuminating the mysteries of those gentle little fungi in a most enlightening way. Using reclaimed wood, glass, and LEDs, he’s come up with some adorably innovative lamps that will bring a little bit of nature into your home. He showed these inspirations at Tokyo’s Design Festa a few years ago. Definitely go check out his site to see some more of these amazing creations.

– thanks to Reddit and inhabitat for this sweet find

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Juan Blows Our Minds

Tenacious D. Just the name tells you that you’re in for the ride of your life. So, when a guy named Juan nails one of their songs, then you know it’s going to be pretty special. Check out who Reddit found singing Master Exploder in a manner that Jack would be impressed with.

Seriously, check out Juan’s YouTube channel, elhombredeloskaraoke. He really does have a most powerful voice that needs to be heard.


Sorry, he didn’t mean to blow your mind…

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We talk all the time about the wonders of the Internet, of its ability to bring us closer to one another in ways that are harder in the physical world. And it looks like Google has once again put together a video of star lovers finding one another, and sharing in their night observations of the wonders of the universe. Sure, we could all meet in someone’s yard or at an observatory, but how is that possible when the audience is spread around this globe of ours?

Those of us who are fighting to keep the Internet free from coercion understand the sheer enormity of opportunities that such a technological home allows us. Everyday, we are breaking down barriers in order to get our personal creations out there for others to find. It’s becoming a lot more than market share. It’s become about sharing. Conquests are becoming hollow to many, as we discover the openness that comes from the act of giving with little expectation of receiving. That’s when receiving can come in the most unexpected form. A delighted gasp of joy. A mutual sharing of laughter and camaraderie. An unknown fact that opens up your world just a little bit wider. And a sense of belonging that stretches past a local boundary to encompass the entire planet.

We are joined by our mutual interests and inspirations. It’s the key to humanity’s ability to dream up new frontiers that we’re aching to know. And we’re doing it together. What a world it will be when it is eventually given the chance to prosper. Until then, let’s keep reaching out to one another and share our dreams.

p.s. Go check out this hangout if you’re into the stars. After all, they’re what dreams are made of!

– thanks to Reddit for this heartwarming moment

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Look Inside




Life’s daily challenges may increase your habit of dreaming, but feeling the dream is the only way to make yourself awaken to a new reality. It’s tough to rinse and repeat the things that keep weighing you down, and it takes a toll on your ability to be creative. But pushing past those weights until you start to feel enough air, so that you can build your own dream, is the only way to awaken your inside on the outside. We constantly hear reminders that dreams are superfluous. Well, they’re not! They’re what has allowed us to swim to the depths of an unknown world and surface with riches that broaden our outlook on an infinite universe.

So, look into your heart and grab a single dream and see what you can create. All of the naysayers in this world cannot take your creation away from you. Simply because that single creation gives birth to an infinite number of new dreams that just might get the chance to change your world as you know it. And in the process, your new world just might impact our world at large, bringing new dreams to many others who are touched by your new world. It’s a pretty spectacular thought, and one that can get you through the tough times – if you let it happen. There are already new awakening happening everyday to others. Why not you?

Look inside you to find what’s precious to you

– as always, Great Minds Quotes can spark a fire of inspiration

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What January Felt Like

I don’t know about you all, but I’m tired after just one month into the new year. It was hard to describe how I felt until I saw this video starting its rounds on Reddit. Seriously, this is what January felt like to me. How about you? 😀


…I don’t know why, but I can’t stop laughing…

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A Cute World With Coffee










For many of us, a world with coffee is pretty much like a world with air – it’s a necessity, if only for our awakening. The taste of coffee is a pleasure for the senses, but what about the other aspects of coffee? If you’re like me, then you like to turn anything into something creative. And if you’re like Oliver Jeffers, then your World With Coffee is a delightful look at the whimsy that comes from coffee stains. Just a few strokes around the stains, and you are instantly in the middle of a sweet situation. This drawing of a radio broadcast built onto a couple of coffee circles is made all the more special by the playful emanations of words tripping from the announcer’s talk. Go check out Oliver’s site to see what other cute creations he’s come up with. It will put a smile on your face!

– thanks to this isn’t happiness for the adorable breadcrumbs that led me to Oliver

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